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Adams Development Named RBGA July 2018 Small Business of the Month

July 11, 2018 | 4,091 views

On Tuesday July 11, the Riverbend Growth Association named Adams Development Company July 2018 Small Business of the Month. Celebrating its 58th year, President and Managing Broker Stott Adams sees himself, his wife Lori and Operations Manager Jerri Farmer as a real estate management and support team for their tenants. In addition, they are real estate brokers licensed in Illinois and Missouri. “We spend most all of our time working for about 50 commercial and a few residential tenants in the river bend area.” said Adams. This is the second such award presented to Adams Development, they were also named December 2002 Small Business of the Month. Watch as Riverbend Growth Association Director of Member Services, Trish Holmes congratulates Scott and his wife Lori on their being named July 2018 Small Business of the Month.

Adams Development Company
215 East Center Drive
Alton, IL 62002

200 W. Third Street | Alton, IL 62002
Suite 200