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Grafton Chamber of Commerce Welcomes New Business Wellness by Stephanie

June 18, 2019 | 8,955 views

On Monday June 17, Grafton Chamber of Commerce held a ribbon cutting in atop the bluffs at Aeries Resort and Winery to celebrate the grand opening of Wellness by Stephanie located at 600 Timber Ridge Drive (just up from Aeries Terrace) in GraftonBusiness owner Stephanie Damron has worked in the healthcare industry for nearly 20 years.  Her life experiences have formed her passion to help others by providing affordable hyperbaric therapy, including detox float with oxygen treatment.  Wellness by Stephanie currently offers luxury full spa packages and is working on formulating other bundles – including specials for weddings and parties. Stephanie said other services include supplements, collagen, essential oils, weight loss plans, oxygen cylinders for sport, oxygen bar and meditation hammock. Watch Stephanie talk about the opening Wellness by Stephanie before cutting the ribbon.

Wellness by Stephanie
600 Timber Ridge Drive
Grafton, IL 62037

200 W. Third Street | Alton, IL 62002
Suite 200