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Our Daily Show! Ft: Adam Marburger, Tim Seebold, Paul Nicolussi, and More!

June 20, 2024 | 1,542 views

On This Thursday in the Heart of the Riverbend, we are starting things off with Adam Marburger and Alton Family Martial Arts and Fitness! Adam will join us to fill us in on the amazing work being put in by the team, and the success they are seeing! We will learn ways of which we can join, and all of the other opportunities that await us! Then at 9:40 we are talking with Tim Seebold from the F1 Power Boat Races! In 2017 Tim has again teamed up with NGK Spark Plugs and the APBA to develop the all new NGK F1 Powerboat Championship! We will talk with Tim about the Series, and how it has evolved through the years! Plus we hear his excitment ahead of this action packed weekend in Alton! At 10:10 we are joined by Paul Nicolussi and get the latest from the Madison County Board and hear his insights on key topics involving county government. 



Our Daily Show is a daily call-in show dedicated to the Riverbend Community! From 9-11 AM/Monday-Friday, you'll be able to hear and contribute to conversations with area leaders/business owners/entertainers, and share what's on your mind! #Alton #Nasello #ourdailyshow #riverbend #live #livestream #livenews


200 W. Third Street | Alton, IL 62002
Suite 200