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Our Daily Show! Ft: Foster's Light in the Dark, NAGBC, Sam & Delilah, COGIC, and More!

July 2, 2024 | 1,263 views

Call or text (618) 759-7469 or Google Meet ( to be part of the show!

On this Tuesday in the heart of the Riverbend, we kick the morning off with Christina Foster, and get to learn her story and all about Foster's Light in the Dark- a new NFP with an incredible backstory and wonderful goals. At 9:30 we are joined by Don Erhman- Riverbend Investment and Ron Young Nashville productions as part of our North Alton Godfrey Business Council Spotlight! The two will detail their business and bring us insights into our they have evolved their respective companies into what they are today. We will learn about the NAGBC's impact on their businesses and their thoughts on the council. We are joined by Nicole with Sam & Delilah and we get the insights into the company and ways we can support! Then at 10:35, we are talking with Pastor Sancho Williams and his wife Allyssia Williams! Coming up on July 14th, Webster Temple is having a super outreach service. This service will be at The Best Western Premier Hotel at 8:45 a.m. We will get all of the details on the event and on the upcoming 107th birthday of the church in Alton!


200 W. Third Street | Alton, IL 62002
Suite 200