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Our Daily Show! Ft. Hall of Famer Ray Morales, Robert Riggs, and More!

October 11, 2023 | 1,683 views
On this Wednesday in the heart of the Riverbend... we are kicking things off with Hall of Famer Ray Morales! Ray is in studio to talk about his recent induction, and his golfing career as a whole. Plus, CJ will ask Ray the $1,000,000 question... who is the WORST golfer in the area?! At 10:35 we have a fantastic conversation with Peabody Award Winning Investigative Reporter Robert Riggs! Robert has a plethora of writing attributes from True Crime, Law Enforcement, Domestic & International Terrorism, Military, Congress, and Corruption. He joins us via Zoom to fill us in on his career, and to discuss Cyber Crimes, Insider Theft of Trade Secrets by foreign governments, and Government Corruption!

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Suite 200