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Our Daily Show! Ft Piasa Armory, Challenge Unlimited, Jerseyville Police, and More!

September 11, 2023 | 2,361 views
Call or text (618) 759-7469 or Google Meet ( to be part of the show! On this Monday Morning in the Heart of the Riverbend... we kick things off with friend of the show Scott Pulaski and Piasa Armory! Scott is in the studio to fill us in on the latest happenings at the Armory and gives us details on ways we can stop in and be a part of the community staple. At 10:10 friend of the show- Stephanie Schrage joins us in the studio! Stephanie is filling us in on the year ahead for Challenge Unlimited and things we can be on the lookout for! Luis Nolla is in for a look at St. Louis Sports! Then we are rejoined by phone with the Jerseyville Police Department! Officer Tefertiller calls in to fill us in on all of the details regarding the T.E.E.N.S Progam Pickleball Tournament! PLUS he fills us in on what the T.E.E.N.S program is and ways our youth can be a part of it! Our Daily Show is a daily call-in show dedicated to the Riverbend Community! From 9-11 AM/Monday-Friday, you'll be able to hear and contribute to conversations with area leaders/business owners/entertainers, and share what's on your mind! #Alton #Nasello #ourdailyshow #riverbend #live #livestream #livenews #revival #faith #music #musiccamp #calvary #bistate #development

200 W. Third Street | Alton, IL 62002
Suite 200