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Our Daily Show! Ft. Piasa Palisades, Mississippi Hippie, Artsy, and Food For Thought!

May 5, 2023 | 1,554 views
On this Friday in the heart of the Riverbend... we kick things off with Fred Pollard! Fred is the mastermind behind Mom Said No, and Mississippi Hippie! We get all of the details surrounding the 8th Annual Grateful Dead Day Celebrations! We also talk with Chris and Craig from Piasa Palisades! We get updates on their speaker series, hikes, and so much more! Jen Dykeman is calling in to fill us in on Artsy as a whole and their event coming to Jacoby Arts Center! THEN we wrap up with Food For Thought: With Linda Peterson! This time we discuss Sanitization with Chef Michael Lapage at Ford Hotel Supply!

200 W. Third Street | Alton, IL 62002
Suite 200