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Our Daily Show! Ft Tara Hurst, Sierra Club, Anne Montgomery, and More!

September 25, 2023 | 1,696 views
Call or text (618) 759-7469 or Google Meet ( to be part of the show! On this Monday Morning in the Heart of the Riverbend... we kick things off with Tara Hurst! Tara is an empowerment & transformational coach who specializes in the realm of health & fitness, energy & spirituality, advancement in business, and love & relationships, focusing on mindfulness and inner chatter. Tara fills us in on her upcoming book Perfectly I'Mperfect an anthology of remarkable stories of ordinary women overcoming extraordinary circumstances. Tara gives us all of the details of the book and fills us in on the Perfectly I'Mperfect - A Women's Empowerment Summit coming our way on November 4th! Then at 10:10 we are talking with Chris Krusa and Kevin with the Piasa Palisades Group Sierra Club! They filling us in on an areawide program to promote residential solar in Metroeast! At 10:35 we are chatting with Anne Montgomery! Anne is an American sportscaster, sports official, author and teacher. She was among the first women sportscasters on television! Anne joins us to fills us in on her career, and a plethora of sports-related, and author related topics! Our Daily Show is a daily call-in show dedicated to the Riverbend Community! From 9-11 AM/Monday-Friday, you'll be able to hear and contribute to conversations with area leaders/business owners/entertainers, and share what's on your mind! #Alton #Nasello #ourdailyshow #riverbend #live #livestream #livenews #revival #faith #music #musiccamp #calvary #bistate #development

200 W. Third Street | Alton, IL 62002
Suite 200