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Our Daily Show: Ft. Theater Thursday!, Big Brothers Big Sisters, Dottie's Emporium, and More!

June 1, 2023 | 1,911 views
On this Thursday in the Heart of the Riverbend, we kick things off with THE ONE... THE ONLY... Lee Cox! It is the LAST Thursday of the month: it's time to talk all things Alton Little Theater as they kick off the 90th season of being a landmark on June 1st! Monty Python's Spam-o-lot is starting soon to kick off the season! We get insights into the Musical and so much more! Then we are joined by Heather Freed and get more insights on Big Brothers Big Sisters of Southwestern Illinois. They are having some big events coming up, and we get all of the details on those, plus a look at some of the services the amazing organization provides! Then we wrap up our show with Dottie's Emporium and we learn all about the process she uses for the custom pieces and ways we can get out hands on them!

200 W. Third Street | Alton, IL 62002
Suite 200