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Our Daily Show! Ft. Third on Third with Lisa Webb, Veteran's Festival and More!

September 20, 2023 | 1,639 views
On this Wednesday in the heart of the Riverbend... we are kicking things off with... THE ONE... THE ONLY... FRIEND OF THE SHOW... LISA WEBB & THIRD STREET REALTY! It is the 3rd Wednesday of the month, and that means it's time for Lisa Webb to stop by and bring her insights and expertise for another Third on Third With Lisa Webb and Third Street Realty Segment! September is Realtor Safety Month and Lisa will be discussing ways realtors keep themselves safe. Then Tim Brown joins us in studio for an update ahead of the Veteran's Festival at Cottage Hills VFW Post 7678! The Global War on Terror Wall of Remembrance will be on display. Tim fills us in on all of the festivities and ways we can be a part of this great event!

200 W. Third Street | Alton, IL 62002
Suite 200