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Our Daily Show! Ft. Wreaths Across America, Haunted Diner, Holmes Outdoor, and More!

November 11, 2024 | 434 views

Call or text (618) 759-7469 or Google Meet ( to be part of the show!


On this Veterans' Day in the Heart of the Riverbend, we are talking with Margaret Hopkins to get all of the details regarding Wreaths Across America! This incredible event will take place this year at the Alton Cemetary. Then at 9:30, you've seen the GoFundMe, now it's time to talk about it... Alton's Haunted Diner Theater! We will learn all about this incredible idea, and how we can support it! Then at 9:50, we are playing CJ's Favorite Interview, The Bob Ryan Interview from 2022. At 10:35 we are talking with Holmes Outdoor Service, getting the latest from the guys, and learning about how they can help us help our homesteads as winter approaches! 


200 W. Third Street | Alton, IL 62002
Suite 200