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Our Daily Show! OSF Healthcare, Metro East Humane Society, Johnsons Corner, and More!

March 10, 2023 | 1,732 views
We are joined by OSF Healthcare and Dr. Ari Lakritz! He breaks down a plethora of topics for us today! We discuss Young People and Social Media- How Does it impact their mental health? We also discuss ADHD in-depth Dr. Lakritz breaks it down for us. Jimmy and Andy from Johnson's Corner (CJ's Favorite place) stop in and fill us in on all of the details regarding the St. Patrick's Day Pub Crawl & The Iconic Johnson's Corner St. Patrick's Day Party on March 17th! We are joined by Senior Services Plus and the Metro-East Humane Society! They bring us the latest surrounding their innovative partnership program: Riverbend Petfood Pantry!

200 W. Third Street | Alton, IL 62002
Suite 200