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Edwardsville, IL
Updated May 4, 7:58 AM
Feels like 70°
Today: Very warm with some sun, then turning cloudy; a thunderstorm in the area late this afternoon; thunderstorms can bring damaging winds
Tonight: A thunderstorm in spots early this evening; otherwise, mostly cloudy; thunderstorms can bring damaging winds
Pressure: 29.98 inHg
Visibility: 9 miles
Winds: ENE 1.8 mph
Sunrise: 5:59 AM
Sunset: 7:57 PM
UV Index: 2
Precip chance: 48%
Precip today: 0 in
Dew Point: 63 F
Humidity: 92%
Sat, May. 4
Mostly cloudy w/ t-storms
83° 54°
Mostly cloudy w/ t-storms
Precip 48%
Sun, May. 5
Mostly cloudy
74° 60°
Mostly cloudy
Precip 20%
Mon, May. 6
Mostly cloudy
77° 66°
Mostly cloudy
Precip 40%
Tue, May. 7
83° 60°
Precip 93%
Wed, May. 8
Mostly cloudy
79° 59°
Mostly cloudy
Precip 61%

Weather data provided by AccuWeather API

200 W. Third Street | Alton, IL 62002
Suite 200